Letter from the Field: “Just Another One of Those.”
Dear Fred,
Just another one of those “I woke up from your video” letters here! Your message and delivery really speak to me. I just started the current Finders Course and could not stop seeking in addition to our meditation exercises. The sense of “about to awake”-ness was in the air, and I happened across your videos and began binge-watching them. At some point I began laughing out loud, and shortly after that something really “clicked” — while taking a shower 12 days ago. At first it seemed like a “glimpse of awakening” had occurred, but as events in the following days demonstrated, my attachment to this character here had really taken a serious and permanent blow. A lot of joy was experienced thereafter, including a sense of deep connectedness and the recognition that everyone I come across is Awakeness experiencing life through a particular “unit.”
I have ordered all your books and am going through all your videos and getting the 10-hour course. I’m also going to read two books I heard you praise: “Nothing Ever Happened” and “The Paradox of Intention.” I now feel strongly that my path is not one of sitting practice (though I do sit and will continue meditating for a variety of reasons), but through what you call “enlightened conversation.” I’ve always adhered to the “backwards approach” in things like language acquisition and music, and I am thrilled to have found someone offering this in the spiritual realm as well.
In just the 1.5 years preceding this moment I listened to “The Power of Now” at least 30 times, took Ayahuasca, did a Vipassana course, and dabbled in different practices and traditions I had direct contact with, all while reading Tolle, Gurdjieff, Aurobindo, and lately Culadasa. I am 41 and reside in Georgia (country in the former USSR). I am ready and committed to living as conscious Awareness now.
I have no doubt we will meet at some point in a private session if or when this character tries to reestablish itself, or at least at an online Satsang. I have given links to your videos to several close friends and will meet with an awakened non-dual Orthodox priest soon and choose a video to show him and translate into Russian (simultaneously) so that we can share that experience and perhaps help each other clear up a bit going forward.
I know I’ve written a lot and it may sound like I’m trying to earn a pat on the back from you (and there might be a slight bit of truth in that), but I feel compelled to write and let you know what is going on over here and how grateful I am for your clarity.
Much love,
February 22, 2019 @ 6:58 pm
Love it, and naturally then grateful for, this letter. Even the “reading into it” (between the lines!) a possible character motivation of “gettting cudos” I enjoyed, as NOT being noticed by “me” except at the mention – so an example of noticing by the sense of its absence. There really is no self-diagnosing character, yet Our skillful possibitliy of confession is a service all around. What confesses is What recognizes the pattern, not a victim to it (even the pattern of the misuse of confession to double down on the “real” discovered nature of the character!). And secondly, that pattern, through the kinder opportunity to be noticed by its absence – by someone “else” bringing it up – is a “revolutionary” way that pattern evaporates. Why do I have to notice “my” patterns when Me as (not)other can show Me when s/he so kindly offers! It’s gratitude all around – a gratitude fractal!
February 22, 2019 @ 7:16 pm
Ah, he’s brought in the fractal! Excellent job, Mike! LOL
This is a great take, it’s truly in the tradition of “the backward teaching.” ♥
March 9, 2019 @ 2:46 pm
Hello Fred,
I just want to say thank you so much for your videos! Especially for the attention practice video!
March 9, 2019 @ 2:48 pm
Thank you! I’m so glad you find the videos useful.♥