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  1. Irene
    January 14, 2015 @ 1:08 am

    Thoroughly enjoyed this post, Fred. Thank you! And, glad to hear you’re healing with such grace and ease.

    I, too, like “Transformatiave Philosopher.” Wonderful!

    I’m in the Finders Course. Will you be mentoring/teaching?

    All the best to you!


    • Fred Davis
      January 14, 2015 @ 8:41 am

      Hey, Irene! I just heard from Nichol yesterday, and from Jeffery earlier this week. I don’t think I’m going to be mentoring. I do have a number of clients who are in the current class and who are getting a lot out of it.

  2. Tony M
    January 14, 2015 @ 2:00 am

    Thanks Fred. Very nice post. I was reflecting on Rosebud’s email to you…

    Now something else. Good that you have recovered well from you surgery. I especially like your last post. I assume that part of it and more will be your new book.



    • Fred Davis
      January 14, 2015 @ 8:38 am

      Hey, Tony! There are two books in the works, one of posts, and one of new material. See you soon!

  3. Gary Falk
    January 15, 2015 @ 6:48 am

    Dear Fredness,

    I am sorry to hear that you will not be mentoring in the final weeks
    of Finders Course 3, in which I am now taking part. I was really looking
    forward to your participating in this wonderful project.

    Oh well, that’s the way it goes, I guess.

    Anyway, I too like the Transformative Philosopher tag you’ve taken for your
    own. It seems to be totally right on.

    That inspires me to come up with something for myself, since I may be putting out
    my shingle, as well, after the Finders Course, and depending on what “Location” I
    finally arrive at after the 15 weeks of the course.

    This dialogue with Rosebud was GREAT!! I can relate totally, since I was a long time
    seeker myself and was caught up in the whole “I get it conceptually, but I don’t REALLY get it”
    mind-fuck that keeps us bound and caught up in the illusion that we are somehow something other
    than……That, or whatever word you wish to substitute for it.

    Anyway, keep up the great work and keep us posted with all your clients exciting breakthroughs and

    All love and joy,

    Sri Garydas

    PS: Yeah, I’m still looking for the right name and a good sounding title.
    I’m sure something fitting will arise when the time is right.

    Om Shanti.

  4. Robbin Hayman
    January 15, 2015 @ 1:24 pm

    Thoughts are just reflexes and patterns are interwoven thoughts! Great. This was a great help. Somehow it clicked more deeply to see thoughts as reflexes. And what is a reflex? An involuntary/unconsciuos reaction to external stimuli. So what’s to believe? (Not that I don’t keep swallowing the bait, but anyway. There’s more space to see it.)
    Great post. Almost felt like I was in on the awakening! LOL.

  5. Trey Carland
    January 20, 2015 @ 4:08 pm

    Hey Fred,

    I really enjoy how this ties in so well with the teaching of Byron Katie. She likes to say “When I believe my thoughts, I suffer.” Your post points nicely to the non-personal nature of thoughts and how easy it is to stop believing them (as well as how easy it is to get sucked right back into believing them).

    I also like to point out to people that the inventors of the English language hid some nice little pointers in the words we use. For example, the word “belief” has the word “lie” right there in the middle. BeLIEve what you want until you’re ready for the truth 🙂

    Be well,

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