A Remarkable Open Letter from the Field from You to You
Having watched the free satsang on Sunday, I want to report my own experience with Fred.I’ve asked that my words are put on the site with all their flaws. This is my report, unsolicited by Fred or any person who works with him.
The night before the 1st April, 2015 I had an Awakening session with Fred. I was nervous going into the session. I had spent years figuring out what waking up meant, and had felt that it was imminent(the seeker’s curse), but I was utterly frustrated at how to get there.
To find a person who was doing this regularly, was a total game changer for me. That he charged so little for something that eventually started to seem impossible, to me, was incomprehensible. I studied his website and listened to his YouTube offerings to make sure that this guy was not a kook or a scam artist (it was too cheap!), and eventually decided to go for it. The nearness of April 1st didn’t go unnoticed. I wondered what I was in for.
Fred did wake me up that night. It was a revelation, and yet it was also underwhelming. I was expecting something fantastical, to be shown that right where I am is where it is. It’s called SELF realisation for a very good reason. The re-orientation to a new way of seeing is the biggest aspect to grasp. Context changes completely.
It’s now a little over two years later and I have much to report.
Waking up is not IT. It’s not a destination to which you arrive and you’ve GOT IT. It’s a first step. It’s a major re-orientation. In my case, its taken two years to finally orient sufficiently to land squarely in SELF. Getting it that no thought or concept is real. That the habit of referencing the thought self is clearly seen through, and SELF has become the internal go to position.
Waking up is the most important starting point any person can face. It is priceless. To be shown clearly who you really are is a gift of inestimable value. The journey of then kicking the habit of referencing thought self over SELF is not to be underestimated. A lifetime’s habit of reaching into thought to determine one’s meaning or value is not undone easily.
Now that I have landed in this rarified ‘place,’ I can report that there is no journey in this universe that can compete with the journey of no distance. To replace a thought identity with a SELF identity is possibly the equivalence of stripping off a man-suit and becoming a vampire. The context through which life is viewed is so utterly different as to become unrecognizable. One is no longer a person. How does one report on such a thing?
This encouragement is to say WAKE UP! It’s available. To do so is to have a curtain thrown back and a glorious light revealed. You won’t know it fully, at the outset. But what it starts to reveal is breathtaking. Your job is to stay in the conversation and make sure you stabilize and kick the thought-self habit. And even that is just to get truly started in the exploration of what THIS is.
~Julee Bergstrom,
London, England
August 3, 2017 @ 10:39 am
Thanks, Julee. It is so helpful to see your perspective from two years post-awakening, and resonates with my experience, too. It really is just the beginning of the journey, so don’t put off taking that first step!
August 3, 2017 @ 11:25 pm
Thank you, Julee! I just recently started that same journey you undertook two years ago. It’s good to hear your perspective, which also matches mine so far. I hope this SELF learns to release the thought-self here as quickly as this SELF did there!
August 10, 2017 @ 11:24 pm
Julee I always love what you share, thank you.
August 23, 2017 @ 7:47 am
Thank you, Julee. I love your description of “kicking the habit of referencing thought self over SELF”.