Guided Experiential Contemplation & Inquiry program
The default of what seems to be our lives has been to identify as the body-mind. As a student of TLM you have had the opportunity of experiencing neti-neti.
It was seen by true nature that body-mind identification is a story. Story telling doesn't stop after true nature recognizes true nature.
Living as true nature requires, if you will, recognition of and standing as true nature now. True nature is now and only now. How can the default of true nature believing and identifying with the body-mind be shifted to standing as true nature (regardless of the thoughts and emotions that arise)?
The answer is simple. Guidance is usually needed to facilitate clarity. Especially when realization is fresh, so to speak, having guidance and hearing pointed inquiry, make all the difference. We, so to speak, are one thought away from misidentification. Conditioned thinking can hypnotize true nature into believing there really is a character, and I'm it. When the hypnotist hypnotizes a subject to believe they are a chicken, they believe they are a chicken.
With guided experiential contemplation, true nature is recognized and grokked (known, so to speak, without intellect). Repetition is the mother of clarity. This program builds the muscle of grokking true nature and inquiry breaks the hypnotic spell of misidentification.
With guidance and repetition, the default shifts. Inquiry arises spontaneously. The conviction of living as true nature is established as the default.
The power and magic of TLM is awakening clarity now with guided experiential contemplation and inquiry. This program is designed to be a conversational community committed to consciously being the clarity that already is.
Join me for this intimate, immersive group setting where the resonation as truth prevails.
Only Love
- Glenda
Email me for more details