Greetings, everybody! Every year since the birth of the original Awakening Clarity in July, 2011 has been a key year for this teaching. It’s gone from introduction and resistance to growth and acceptance. The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening was born and has thrived. 2019, with the nascent, yet burgeoning Teacher-to-Teacher Training program (T3), […]
Happiness is here, or nowhere; now, or not at all. Thanks to Joel!
Unconditional Surrendering From the Album Wake Up Now Thanks, Adam!
Some of these podcasts were published when The Living Method didn’t have a quarter of the followers it has today. All of these are very clear, but they are under-utilized. Some of the same talks in video form have thousands of views. Loads of people have written to report awakenings while listening to many of […]
Hello, everybody! Betsy and I want to thank all of you for your emails of concern and well wishes. We are deeply touched by the outpouring of love. It’s absolutely amazing: we’ve gotten a bit of rain, and it’s still raining softly, but the storm essentially passed us by. Everything north and east of Columbia […]
Thanks to all of these listeners who took the time to share their experience with us. Mind=Blown Fantastic and insightful to say the very least.. I’m still grasping my head around the concept in this book, but I am AWAKE! Skipperooney 05-22-16 An incredible book of wisdom and clarity Wow. I don’t even know […]
~Teacher-to-Teacher Sessions~ Would you like to learn how to facilitate awakening using The Living Method? Write for rates, qualifications, and availability.
I get this question all the time. So does Betsy. So I am embarrassed (so to speak), amazed and appalled that it never once occurred to me to put up a post about it. I’ll immediately put a link to this post on the Meetings page so that I can easily refer newcomers to it. […]
“I loved the sense of being at home with fellow addicts. We rarely spoke of our addiction to substances, past or present, but I felt that our experience with this struggle, and especially Fred’s, gave us a focus and sense of purpose, as we explored the practical implications of awakening and abiding in True Nature.” […]
If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, then you know that Terry Oldfield is both a friend of mine and a very fine musician-vocalist. He and his partner, Soraya Saraswati, have been recording and touring for decades. Here are two new albums Terry has just released. Give them a listen. I wholeheartedly […]
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A Journey to the Heart of Addiction, Recovery & Enlightenment Video Recording Available at $10 each / $100 for all twelve Session 1 is now available “We are all addicted to the sense of separation, it’s just a matter of degree.” ~Fred Davis On Sunday, April 1, Fred will begin the first ever twelve-week Beyond […]
This course is also excellent for clearing. Consciously awake beings as well as the so-called “unawakened” take it regularly, and the feedback is invariably positive.
Awaken NOW The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening by Fred Davis (Author), John Ames (Editor) 4.9 out of 5 stars 35 customer reviews I get mail from people every week who’ve woken up from this book. Just sayin’. 5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars BySteven R. Guentheron July 19, 2017 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase Right to the point. 5.0 […]
Hi Fred, I am just checking in to discuss our Satsang Interview scheduled for Sunday, May 21. We will meet at 7:15 pm ET via Skype. You can invite your community of followers to listen to the Satsang interview live. The interview will be from 7:30-9:00 pm ET, 4:30-6:00 pm Pacific. There are […]
It was a hard day today. Our wonderful old friend and dear companion, Dickens Hackett-Davis, went to the vet for the last time. Kidney failure. Dickens lived an essentially perfect life for a cat of his temperament. Had he gone where there were children, he would have imploded. Had he gone where demands were made […]
5.0 out of 5 starsOne of the best Non-Dual practicums I have read ByBrad D. Stephanon April 1, 2017 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase One of the best Non-Dual practicums I have read. The most effective way to read it is in one sitting (3-4 hours) and to do the various exercises Fred conducts with his […]
Some of you like to follow the relative side of this teaching – the Fred and Betsy story. I know, because you’ve sent me a ton of mail about it. So this post is for you. It marks real milestone for us. Relativity counts. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, but it still counts. After all, it’s your […]
Just a quick note to tell you that it dawned on me that I have to know further in advance how many will be attending the New Year’s Day Awakening Gathering. I may have to make adjustments to my Zoom account, which has to be done on a weekday well in advance of the session. Nothing […]