Letter from the Field: Awake in Ireland!*
Dear “Fred,”
This is just a quick note to let “you” know how grateful “I” am for your continued drive to get the message out into the world!
I am not typical of your regular clientele, having been a complete novice to spirituality. I was raised Irish Catholic. I towed the line until my early teens and then broke off and just went my own way in life. About five years ago I went through a major disappointment with my brother, the details of which are unimportant. But the situation led me to what I’d call a mid-life crisis, which brought a lot of misery to my family.
I even moved out and went to Germany (though returning every three months for a month’s stay), thinking I could start a new life or at least find out what I wanted. After two and a half years I was back home for good and began trying to fix myself and get back on track for the family’s sake. My son and daughter were completing their secondary school and then (hopefully) would be off to university.
I had no knowledge of nonduality and had never learned to meditate. I had not read any books on spirituality, nor did I have much comprehension of Eastern philosophy. But in my inner search I came across Eckart Tolle’s The Power of Now, and soon thereafter discovered Ramana Maharshi and then Nisargadatta Maharaj. But I found the Indian style of teaching hard to follow, and felt I needed a more Western version of their message.
Earlier this year I came across Sailor Bob and then John Wheeler, but their message was still not entirely jelling with me. Then I discovered you on YouTube, and was quickly able to grasp your message. Something about your no-nonsense, direct, frank approach made it all apparent! I then bought all of your books, and downloaded about thirty of your YouTube videos. As you might guess, I fell into all the usual traps. But thankfully I listened to your video where you ask us to say right here and now, “I am awake.” “Say it with me now, ‘I am awake!’” BANG! BANG! BANG! It clicked! No bells or angels, no enlightenment experience and no God tapping me on the shoulder—just a quiet acknowledgment of my true nature. Acceptance!
Now all that can be said is “I” know that all of this is one. Everything is of the same essence and of equal importance. All is one and adds up to no-thing. “I am” is just another experience arising in Oneness, and Oneness is also an arising! The source of all is prior to all of this; it is prior to all phenomena! I am not waiting for a flash of lighting to confirm my status. I am also fully aware that the language I am using is paradoxical, but as you say, these are the tools we have. I know you understand. There is no I, me, you or other!
Life will continue on, and the best confirmation I already have is the love and affection of my wife and children who can firsthand vouch for the total transformation that has taken place in our humble home. I can honestly report to you that I have never been so content with life as I am now. This truth is always there and clarity comes and goes, but the baseline is that all experience is an expression of Oneness. Oneness is writing and directing the script, supplying the props, and playing all the roles—amazing! And so I look forward to playing my part!
Thomas Clark
Wicklow Town, Ireland
*Edited for clarity
September 16, 2017 @ 4:40 pm
Very moving. And confirming! What ‘one’ receives, can’t help but be given simultaneously. And I can confirm that as the ‘one’ now “tagged” by it.
Thank you, Mike