Letter from the Field: Observations on Satsang

This gentleman is a retired psychiatrist that I’ve been working with for the last couple of weeks. Thanks, Mike!
Fred, thank you for introducing me to your Satsang. ‘I’ got a great deal from it!
It was wonderful to see that you have such a loving rapport with your students. And more especially to see how effectively and directly you move them, using their language/words, to connect each one more fully with their awakeness.
I have never observed such direct transmission of awakeness with other non-dual speakers. Notwithstanding your obvious success in the nondual market, somehow I’m wondering if your gift is being hidden under the proverbial basket.
Look forward to our next meeting.
September 20, 2017 @ 5:45 pm
Mixing my parables, Fredness seems like a good mix of the Sower and the Lamp. Certainly more like a lighthouse than a light under a basket! And a demonstration of un-attachment, therefore the seed responds to the light as it will (or does, or has). And so he makes clear ALL is well, even when the seed doesn’t grow in a ‘timely’ manner, or when others’ “light” might declare something is wrong. (this letter led me to research my parables, and it’s so intriguing how this teaching seems to fit-the-parables!)
The light shines on … Mike (thanks 🙂 )