I AM THE WORLD – SORTA, KINDA! (Subtleties in the Awakening Process)
I had the pleasure of working with sometime from Finders Course today who was awake when he got to me. You might be surprised how many Awakening Sessions I do with already-consciously awakened beings. They still find a lot of value as I’m able to help them orient and begin to see some of the subtleties of the clearing process. Here’s what Arni found today. He has at least two more sessions coming, and then we’ll see. f
Hi Fred,
Thanks for the session!
“The key is no other than me” is what I really think this session was giving me. Now there is a way for awareness to use language to open up to the world in an inclusive way rather than in an exclusive way of of focusing on a thing by saying the like of “I am the key.” When I say about anything, “X is no other than me,” then I include that X in my being without focusing the awareness onto that thing in an exclusive way. So, thank you!
After this session I see much more clearly who I am not. I find that I cannot find Arni, not even in the relative world. That ship has sailed.
What I can still find is clinging onto things as if Arni had anything to defend and that he was the real deal. There is this taking things seriously, obviously for no good reason. It is like a sneeze, just cannot not do it, and I even do not recognize it until much later.
What I am finding myself doing now is to say that all is no other than me and that is just bringing me kundalini shivers up my spine every time. What a difference these words can have!
Is there anything that I can do more?
Arni does not exist in the relative or ultimate sense, he is nowhere to be found (which was new in the relative sense before our session). There is a sense of Arni but no Arni, in other words, there is Arniness but no Arni like there is a sense of a dog in the garden but no dog.
I find that whatever is is not other than me, be it the keys to my house or Oneness. I cannot say it is me, but I can say it is no other than me. Ultimately there is no “me” to talk about. So when I say, “X is no other than me,” then I am referring to a non-existent “me.” And though I use the word “me,” there is really nothing to refer to that makes sense in language because it is prior to language.
The soulness is also an identity of sorts that is no other than me, but does not define me exclusively any more than anything else that I might perceive or conceive. There is no pointing to a soul, but there is a sense of it. Oneness is also arising as a “sense of oneness” and I am none other than that either; consciousness is arising and I am none other than that. I am the great non-being! …only that there is no I there to be found. The notion to be and not to be are limitations that do not cover the truth of what this is.
Wonderful reinforcement! Trying to include (love), never questioning the I trying, was the act of exclusion for the sake of the reinforcement of the known character (UNconsciousness). And I love reinforcement (repetition!) used in the direction of truth, so thanks!
I have used “there is beloved, not other” (in recognizing this character has been My expresion of belief that ‘there is something wrong/there is something else’, and so I have been experiencing my own ‘other’, yet identified AS it!). So “other(s)” to this other was just further reinforcement to that trend. And now, “not other than me”, so short … and sweet!
September 20, 2017 @ 5:43 pm
I am feeling not other than Arni! Thank you, Arni, for helping me disappear.
September 20, 2017 @ 7:12 pm
🙂 ♥
September 20, 2017 @ 6:13 pm
Wonderful reinforcement! Trying to include (love), never questioning the I trying, was the act of exclusion for the sake of the reinforcement of the known character (UNconsciousness). And I love reinforcement (repetition!) used in the direction of truth, so thanks!
I have used “there is beloved, not other” (in recognizing this character has been My expresion of belief that ‘there is something wrong/there is something else’, and so I have been experiencing my own ‘other’, yet identified AS it!). So “other(s)” to this other was just further reinforcement to that trend. And now, “not other than me”, so short … and sweet!
Not other than you beloved