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  1. Mike Zerbel
    November 10, 2016 @ 6:34 pm

    Thank you Fred for posting these. Expression, from our true nature, is a fascinating learning experience. Another one of the multiple skills at teaching you pass to us..

    One thing about Oneness – it’s just One! So my responses/reactions to “out there” and “the out there”- are just ME! That can deflate instantly any seeming hugeness to anything, without denying anything. And I can realize the no-difference between how I treat what seems to be this identification, and how I treat it by imagining what it is separate from and then feeling victim to.

    When Lynden comments on breathing, that’s what I’m talking about. When I remember I’m allowed to enjoy just breathing, what difference does anything else make? When I have a critical reaction of and to “how often I don’t even remember to use that simple ‘instruction'” – and then remember I’m Awake! and loving to THAT reaction – and then take the next breath without a should and even with a laugh – THEN i can take on the boogey man of “the world” – AS no different!

    From Fred’s Beyond Recovery:
    We first become better receivers, and eventually morph into being better transmitters. We teach what we are, 24 hours a day. … Enlightenment is simply seeing from reality instead of a limited position, and the embodiment process is learning to LIVE from reality instead of a limited position. How we live is always a louder transmission than what we know.

    And we can be awake to any accusations that we don’t deserve this. Because we ARE It!

    So thanks for any opportunity to know consciously what I Am, but a special shout out to Fred and you all for helping me in the “process” right now.

    Letting as much love through Mike-ing as possible, Mikeness

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Fred Davis, Creator & Editor-in-Chief

Betsy Hackett-Davis, Minister of Detail

Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina, Authorized Teacher,
The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening

Bohdan Harik, Authorized Teacher, The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening

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