12-Minute Clarity Talk: Living in the Absence of Why
Hello, everybody! YouTube is back! Actually, my account’s ‘record’ feature never got fixed, but it spurred me into into an upgrading adventure. Now that my credit card is beginning to cool off, I’m pleased to note that the quality of what I can produce in video now is far, far higher than it was prior to the attack of the computer gremlins. B=G. Bad equals Good. This is the the basic equation of Truth, wherever Bad has been determined by my opinion.
In the video I’m presenting here, I actually use this latest technical challenge to illustrate how frustration can be replaced by ease when we’re “Living in the Absence of Why”. (The first rule of making your living on the Internet is understanding that there is always a technical challenge.) Come check it out and marvel at the video’s visual…dare I say it?…clarity.
Click the link to watch the video.