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Sunday Satsang

Fred Davis During Satsang February 2024For current participants, Sunday Satsang is often the highlight of their week.

As Fred has just announced, starting February 25, 2024, Satsang will begin at 1 p.m. Eastern and run for 90 minutes. 

Find out what it’s like to be part of a supportive, presently awakening community, and gain access to having your questions answered by an authentic, living teacher. 

You can book one or multiple sessions.  
All are welcome! 

More Detail

Join us for a lively 90 minutes of a unique meeting every Sunday. This is not your “ordinary Satsang”—that’s usually all about how to wake up, stories about others who woke up, or how to deal with relative problems while pursuing awakening. A great many people who show up for this “weekly clarity party” have already woken up and are now in the clearing stage. 

We do address awakening, but we also address the ongoing experience of post-awakening. Fred calls it “clearing.” There’s no graduation from clearing, and none of us would want one. Clearing is a rich and endless process, and we talk about all of that. Life after awakening can also be quite puzzling and/or frustrating, and we talk about that, too. You will hear very little of this elsewhere. Most people find this to be completely unlike anything else in Nonduality. 
Prior to the Meeting
You will need a webcam and a microphone if you want to talk to Fred. Headsets are optional. If you just want to simply listen, there is a dial-in number for telephone access.
Approximately 30 minutes prior to the official start of the session, you’ll receive an email that contains a link. Click on that link, and Zoom will automatically bring you into the meeting. If you are given a choice of how to join the meeting, take the choice that offers video. 
Extra Benefits: 
– Each participant receives a private link to the recording within 48 hours after the session so that it can be watched if you are unable to attend or re-watched at your convenience. If you miss the live meeting, the recording counts as one of your Sundays. 
– Complimentary satsangs are often provided when attending other courses of The Living Method. Check each course listing for details.


“I really enjoyed listening to the last satsang. Thank you. 

That’s why I like Fred because he acknowledges the human side of life that nobody (no master) is exempt from feeling. Unlike a lot of the spiritual newbies in their 20’s that just keep repeating nothing exists and that’s it. 🙂

Most people, including those who have some realization, don’t realize that life can construct a situation that can temporarily break anyone who is wearing the human garb despite their level of realization. It’s just the tax for being human

I also have had this chronic pain karma my entire life, and it gets more degenerative as time goes on and so I can empathize with him. And yes hospitals can be a dangerous place for sure. God is ultimately running the show, of course.”

Y Lynch
Satsang Attendee

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A special thanks goes out to our community volunteers who help clip videos, transcribe and co-host sessions for us.

Contact us if you would like to be a part of our volunteer community.

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