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Group Clearing Series: Freedom From Imagination

The Group Clearing Series: Freedom From Imagination is an incredible vehicle for achieving “stability,” meaning a clearer, more regular recognition of This-Here-Now.

The course consists of two 90-minute meetings a month with Fred or other teacher of The Living Method. All Living Method Meetings will, of course, be centered on this Teaching’s methodology and phenomenology.

Option of:

Small intimate group no more than 5 $250 per month 
Slightly larger group no more than 16 $125 per month

Classes are much smaller than Sunday Satsang, ensuring that each student will have the opportunity to receive individual attention in most or all of the meetings.

Course Details:

– Two 90-minute sessions per month, for a small group 

– Sessions take place online via Zoom, 1 pm U.S. Eastern time

– Complimentary Satsang access every Sunday while registered for GCS

– Access to a GCS Community Forum

– Access to the recordings

There will doubtlessly be many heady topics arising from and within this group. Nonetheless, Fred will naturally meet you wherever you are along the so-called path of awakening. That’s the beauty of a small group; they are both personal and powerful.  

There is simply no substitute for one-on-one time with an authentic teacher. That direct experience, together with a small, devoted group for support, makes it far easier to take that “giant” step of actually getting involved in what you’ve been studying since you first discovered nonduality. Yet no one is the center of attention for long, and we get a chance to catch our breath and let what the body has heard sink in. 

Being an operative part of nonduality is where the rubber meets the road. One aspect of that is the recognition that the body-mind, which Fred terms “the unit,” is the Divine Expression within relativity, and your true nature is Unexpressed Divinity. Authentic spirituality is when the focus moves away from “What can I get?” to “How can I help?” This is when the Expressed and the Unexpressed are experienced simultaneously. For those through whom awakenings happen, this uncommon change of view requires a subtle, profound way of seeing and feeling. 
You will see more clearly, dump a load of suffering, develop a more significant experience as Conscious Awakeness, and become a part of the overall spiritual solution. If we want that more than what we have, the opportunity will arise. For that to happen in the least amount of time, without wasted effort, we will want to have as much face-time with our teacher as possible. 
Fred has many skillful means at his disposal to help people awaken and clear. Along with that, more and more clients insist that being with Fred in a virtual (Zoom) environment is extremely helpful and sometimes critical. Not the “Fred body,” of course; it’s not about the donut; it’s about the hole! They mean, of course, the Animating Presence that works through the “donut hole” that brings us this uncannily effective Teaching. 
We have specifically designed these small-group meetings for people who have had at least a glimpse of their True Nature, even if that glimpse was but for a single second. Meeting topics can be found everywhere: in your own experience in and inquiry. They can be found in abundance throughout Fred’s books, videos, and website. Naturally, we want to stay the course and not move into a wave of hypothetical scenarios. Keep it real. 
This is your course, so please do develop questions in between meetings. The quality of your questions automatically determines the depth of your responses. If you’ll try to keep your questions as true-to-you as you can, Fred will work to bring you into alignment with the principles upon which The Living Method stands which have come to mean so much to so many. 
The course will include ongoing assignments as part of establishing a groundwork foundation. A three-month commitment is required. 
Thank you for sending this invitation to any family members or friends who you think might be interested.

A special thanks goes out to our community volunteers who help clip videos, transcribe and co-host sessions for us.

Contact us if you would like to be a part of our volunteer community.

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