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Freedom Beyond Recovery

Graphic for the Freedom Beyond Recovery CourseWe have developed a new program for those who resonate with Fred’s teaching and who are also in addiction recovery and/or working with people in addiction recovery. 

This new program is called Freedom Beyond Recovery: Rediscover Wholeness through The Living Method, and it is designed for those who have been through or are familiar with the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or similar recovery programs but have noticed some issues with how addiction is framed in those programs.  
The program is being led by Bohdan Guerra, and it includes live meetings held virtually via Zoom. The program applies to all types of addiction, not just drugs and alcohol, but also eating disorders, gambling, tobacco, etc.  
Freedom Beyond Recovery will be based on Fred’s excellent and highly recommended book, Beyond Recovery: Nonduality and the Twelve Steps, as well as his work using The Living Method.    
Freedom Beyond Recovery will be a great resource for anyone who wants to live a life of recovery that’s supported by nondual insight and lived experience.  

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View our new YouTube Channel on Freedom Beyond Recovery here:

Or just click the images below. 

A special thanks goes out to our community volunteers who help clip videos, transcribe and co-host sessions for us.

Contact us if you would like to be a part of our volunteer community.

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