March Satsang Gems (from our weekly online Sunday meetings)
- Scan the room. Take note of the objects. Imagine that the space around the objects is filled with jello. Notice the connection between the objects. Is there an empty space separating objects now? Now everything is unified. How many separate objects are there now? Just one. Or none.
- The witness is an important step in our dissociation from the body-mind concept. But since we cannot find the witness, we come to realize that the witness is just another thought referencing a thought. There is no witness. There is just this.
- Consciousness is not in the body. The body is in consciousness. The body is like a channel, one of many. When one channel goes snowy (the body dies), how much will you notice? A storyline will cease, but many more continue.
- Now let all of human consciousness go. Are you still there? Do you have a problem, or a question? Or have we just moved beyond language?
- There is no comparison to reality. Comparing reality to illusion brings about suffering. Clarity is the recognition that things cannot be other than the way they are. Am I willing to let go of resistance? It’s never about the circumstances; it’s about my interpretation about the circumstances.
- Hope and denial are the same. Whose hope is it? It’s the character’s. Awakeness does not hope. At it’s core, hope is resistance to things as they are.
- Relax. There is nothing to do, nothing to try to do. This is it. If the unit is in turmoil, turn inside. As Awakeness, notice that there is a great okayness right now. Awakeness is the stability upon which the movie of instability is rocking and rolling.
- Surrendering to circumstances is not the same as throwing in the towel. If there are prudent measures to take, take them.
- I Don’t Know. Stay in don’t-know land. Don’t-know land and the great okayness share the same borders. If I stay in don’t-know land, then I cannot entertain the view that I know what should be going on here. Hence no suffering.
- Being at ease with another character that is in un-ease helps that character to be at ease. We are all always transmitting and receiving.
- How can I best serve Awakeness? There is no Fred here to serve Awakeness. Love what is; this is the heart’s desire. Be willing to move in that direction.
- The blessing is the curse and the curse is the blessing. The people of Wuhan are seeing blue sky for the first time in a long time.
All quotes from Fred Davis.
Thanks to Gordon for collecting,
Kathleen for editing.
Come join us for satsang. Now held Wednesdays as well as Sundays. All are welcome!