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  1. Christopher Warnock
    April 20, 2015 @ 12:07 pm

    Wow! Very cool! It’s funny how your post and the ad video intersect and don’t intersect. The perfect interactions in the ad are trippy, but then interrupted by the guy using cash. What first struck me was that the makers of the ad had created a very powerful manipulation, really punching buttons through shaming the guy for messing up the credit card produced perfection. Then I thought but that’s what ego does to the Unity. Then I thought, that’s just ego thinking that it’s messing up the Unity, the Unity is perfect always and endlessly.

    • Fred Davis
      April 20, 2015 @ 12:19 pm

      Hey, Chris! I love that chain-link-thinking–it can be quite clarifying. See you soon! 🙂

  2. Kathleen
    April 20, 2015 @ 5:07 pm

    Thanks Fred! Sounds like a beautiful experience. I’ve had some like that, too. Probably most everyone has. Sometimes I recognized it as oneness, sometimes not. When I recognized it as such, it made a longer impression on me, and seemed even more lovely in the remembrance. Wisdom enhances clarity.

    I relate to your expectation that enlightenment would be that constant state of fascinating bliss. Although I have felt energized and peaceful since our clarity session today, I did have one troubling thought: what if the “great okayness” of enlightenment proves disappointing, maybe not all that blissful or exciting? Then I realized how impossible and absurd it would be for oneness – after all this creation, duality, suffering and seeking – would end up disappointed with itself! As if after the creation of zillions of worlds and living zillions of lives, IT were to conclude, “Well, this has all been okay, but I don’t know if it was really worth all that effort!” So I’ll trust that oneness knows how to lead itself to the best possible state. I don’t think it would bother with less.

    All love,


    • Mike
      April 20, 2015 @ 8:27 pm

      Kathleen, that troubling thought I’ve suspected as being part of what I call my – for ease of use – depression. It’s been hard to see past the “so what”. I suppose I might be learning emotional acceptance, to feel feelings without (addictively) short cutting them with this “so what” thinking habit. The “so what” or “is this really enough” i suspect has been a Pandora’s Box energy because it attaches to everything. Not so understandably to me, it also didn’t just “stay” there, but turned into a dark life (instead of leaving “well enough alone” with the “so what” and making it worse instead!).

      A dream I once had, of speeding in a car and crashing into a brick wall and instantly dying, left me for a few moments (in the dream?) simply aware. i remember it as floating and darkness. then the thought that if this is what it s, it’s: fine/pretty nice/nothing to worry about. But then then the thought came, will it be ok if this goes on forever? THEN i started to freak out, and i woke up.

      Also, the flip side of trying not to “expect” the peace and okayness, when it’s already “promised” by the witnesses of enlightenment we’re attracted by. It seems like the “first” enlightened person would have had it easiest in that regard!

      Thanks for touching me with your thoughts, Mike

      • Fred Davis
        April 21, 2015 @ 12:17 pm

        As I said to Kathleen, “Only ego would ever find awakening to the Great Okayness “disappointing” or “not enough”. And why wouldn’t it? There is nothing in enlightenment for the ego. Enlightenment happens by, for, and to Oneness.”
        When this thought arises, it arises to a confused mind. The cause is misidentification. The solution is correcting that.

    • Fred Davis
      April 21, 2015 @ 12:13 pm

      Only ego would ever find awakening to the Great Okayness “disappointing” or “not enough”. And why wouldn’t it? There is nothing in enlightenment for the ego. Enlightenment happens by, for, and to Oneness.


      • Mike
        April 23, 2015 @ 2:41 am

        One of the most hilarious comments of yours for me, was about your unit being bored with your sessions and wanting to get to lunch. It was amazing to hear you say it like that, that you’re still aware of those kinds of thoughts in the middle of evidence of so much wonder going on.

        • Fred Davis
          April 23, 2015 @ 11:47 am

          LOL! Units do what they do until they do something else.

  3. Mike
    April 20, 2015 @ 7:56 pm

    I wonder sometimes why humanity doesn’t see itself more like an ant colony. Our little bit of “free will” gets really inverted in our picture of ourselves (maybe that’s where all our free will is going to!).

    • Fred Davis
      April 21, 2015 @ 12:14 pm

      We are very much like an ant colony.

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