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About Bohdan Guerra, Authorized Teacher of The Living Method


On March 12, 2024, Bohdan was introduced by Fred Davis as an authorized teacher of The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening. He is currently teaching the new nonduality-based addiction recovery program called Freedom Beyond Recovery and is offering private Awakening and Clearing sessions

Bohdan Harik


Bohdan has been intimately involved in Nondual wisdom and the awakening/clearing process since 2018. His yearning for Truth and freedom from suffering initially developed through participation in 12-step and Buddhist-based recovery groups. After getting involved in The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening and studying under Fred Davis since 2020, he has since felt called to an earnest dedication toward helping other expressions of the One Life rediscover their true nature and live from a conviction of authenticity, simplicity, and contentment.


Awakeness has been consciously working through Bohdan to wake up and clear up seekers using The Living Method since 2022. He is a grateful member of the Awakening Clarity Now team and provides additional one-on-one services through his independent business, Remembering Home.


Though Fred’s work is the cornerstone of his approach to Nondual coaching and spirituality, other notable influences of Bohdan’s work are traditions such as Sufism, Daoism, Sikhism, Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and Christian Mysticism. Academically, Bohdan is a certified Interspiritual Counselor, has a BA in Psychology, and is currently pursuing an MS in Pastoral Clinical Mental Health Counseling.


Learn more about Freedom Beyond Recovery

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