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  1. Patti
    December 11, 2014 @ 12:15 am

    Hi Fred, saw this post the other night when it went up and meant to comment then but forgot and wanted to circle back around. This was my “bridge book” between the 12 Steps and non-duality. When I was about eight months sober, and felt myself being drawn again to non-duality teachings, I googled “non duality and recovery” thinking that there was no way this was going to turn up much at all…and there was your book.

    By the end of my drinking days (like the last two years) I was so numb and lost in a fog that most spiritual teachings, but especially non-duality based teaching, bounced right off of me. I couldn’t have found “deeper meaning” in anything even if you stapled a map of it to my forehead. I was beyond separated…the unit was swimming in poison, literally and metaphysically. And the force that animates the unit was taking an extended leave of absence in a spiritual Tahiti somewhere until “I” either died or came to my senses and stopped. Thankfully, I chose the latter.

    However, when I tried to dive back into Adya or Gangagi or Eckart, I was overwhelmed. I needed “the message” but I needed it structured in a way that my poor addled brain could process it. And there was your book. It brought those teachings/the message back to me and also turned me on to your site and your other articles. And here we are nearly a year and a half later!

    So while I am one of the ones who used this book as a bridge between recovery and non-duality, it worked and it worked well. I highly recommend it to anyone coming from a background in recovery and looking to open the door for the first time (or again) to the non-dual path.

    Congrats on the new revisions, look forward to reading it again.

    With thanks, Patti

    • Fred Davis
      December 11, 2014 @ 12:58 am

      Hey, Patti! Thanks so much for this glowing report! I’m so glad my writing has been a help to you. Now your writing is a help to me!

      All love,

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