May 5
I just now (12:00 p.m. EDT, May 5) finished a session with a woman in India. She’s Russian by birth but has lived in India for the last 30 years. Elena had done the usual seeking for the usual long time, and of course she is living in the Motherland of the whole thing. She’s been active in Vipassana for a number of years. She’s smart, attractive, is a successful entrepreneur, and generally has a very high-quality lifestyle. There was just one problem: she didn’t know her True Nature. She does now.
Right from go I could see and feel tremendous resonance. We laughed a lot, and I could see her “getting it” in the first five minutes. We went up and down from there, but then Awakeness woke up quite clearly through the Elena unit. We’ll be doing some further sessions even though she can plainly see that I’m selling water by the river.
Although she was breaking through almost immediately, she got bogged down in the Bubble of Self-Reflection (23 minute video). I was able to help her see what was going on, and fortunately she was willing to tell herself the truth. This willingness to tell ourselves the truth is the vital key. We don’t even control that, by the way. The best we can do is somehow become willing to be willing. Elena succeeded at that admirably and was then sent packing.
But she’ll be back. Welcome Home, Oneness.
May 5, 2016 @ 3:51 pm
Cool! And that’s my cue to rewatch the bubble of self reflection, which has been important to me (along with the simple illustration of me believing i am the scowl-faced cloud believing it’s a believer, different from the other belief-clouds).
I am enjoying being in a place where my mind “knows” to hold to seeming opposites at the same time. “I am willing” but how much has gone before this, “unconsciously” “not willing” to lead to this awareness. I am so glad for Fred’s honesty and lucidness that has seemed to help me recognize and ACCEPT the truth I Am!
Willing or not, here I Am!