ILLUSTRATED POEM: Magnolia Blossom Love Cycle
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Every thing arises and falls.
Every thing comes and goes.
What every thing arises and falls within does not come, does not go.
We cannot call it something, because it is not some thing.
We cannot call it nothing, because it is.
Not some thing.
Not nothing.
We will call you No-thing.
When we call you anything at all.
But no name could ever come close.
The Tao that can be named,
Is not the eternal Tao.
You are prior to language.
You are prior to thought.
You cannot ever be absent,
because Your very nature assures all presence.
Your own emptiness assures all fullness.
From You all things spring.
To You all things arise.
To You all things fall.
This magnolia blossom You sent to me arose, it came.
This magnolia blossom You sent to me was.
This magnolia blossom You lent to me fell, it went.
The space surrounding the blossom did not come, does not go.
The space within the blossom did not arise, does not fall.
It simply is.
You, that Holy ISness, are not silent, You are Silence itself.
You, that Holy ISness, are not still, You are Stillness itself.
Still, silent, space-like,
Everywhere and nowhere.
Still, silent, space-like,
Everything and nothing.
Still, silent, space-like.
Every thing and no-thing.
That is what You are,
My Love.
That is what You are.
Hold me all the long night long,
My Love.
Even when this body dies,
Hold me.
Even when the sun dies,
Hold me.
Hold me all the long night long, My Love,
All the long night long.
Fred Davis
May 10, 2016 @ 10:42 am
Beautiful and moving!
May 12, 2016 @ 2:56 pm
Thank you for the Magnolia (even for the word!). And what a wonderful poem for it to inspire. It goes now with a term I use, from the title of a wonderful book, “Embracing the Beloved”. And a Name of God that inspired, Beloved Beneficent (i used “cent” because it’s more name-like, like Millicent).