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  1. Mike Zerbel
    June 17, 2017 @ 9:38 pm

    That definition of consciousness reminded me of a book by a mathematician which presented time as a “stitching” experience. The only way I retained his explanation was as a static representation. It is that the contours of infinite manifestation include those that have “adjacent” arrangements that could SEEM to relate to each other. A moment that experiences the discovery of a fossil can be arranged “next” to a moment that has a “modern” relative to that fossil. A memory is just a configuration that is next to what it seems to remember. This of course explodes idea of infinite! But the easier idea was that consciousness is what stitches this possibility together, to create Story, and mo(ve)ment. The author’s take way arrived at the same spiritual principle, that the experienced moment is unique and never to come around again, so live it since it is the only one! And it was hard math, with equations like differentials!

  2. Barb
    July 13, 2017 @ 11:12 pm

    Keep coming across more articles like this….

  3. Barb
    July 13, 2017 @ 11:13 pm

    ….clarify, I keep coming across more articles like this….hummm

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