Letter from the Field: Oneness to Oneness
This letter is from a charming woman in Germany who had an Awakening Session with me last week. I saw her again this past Sunday when she (wonderfully) showed up for Satsang. Her English is good, but not great; she speaks better than she writes. Nonetheless, I’ve decided to publish it exactly as it is. There is such enthusiasm and wonder here: I wanted to make sure that I didn’t fix something until I broke it!
Hello Fred,
I want to reply what had happened, after our session yesterday.
It was very helpful that you showed me the empty skull. I really have to see it!!!
In this moment of seeing the empty scull I remembered the experience of thousands of vipassana hours, than there were no body at all, there is only energy.
That you mentioned that the whole society denies “this,” that was also very, very important, it is really the same with recovery – if someone becomes sober, the whole society don’t support that, it is the opposite, the whole society is against that.
It was not yesterday that I experienced for the first time that there is no I and there has never been, I experienced it one year ago with liberation unleashed for the first time, but it doesn’t last, because of no support from anyone after.
I ask myself now, if it is also necessary for deepening the awakening process to have support through a regular meeting, as it is necessary for recovery from addiction? I am a longtime 12-step member.
The most important thing of all is the energy that flows after our session. Never, ever bevor I had such an intensitv, strong energy flow! And during decades of meditation I experienced a lot of strong energetic flow.
I fall asleep one hour after the session, the energetic shift was so intense.
I will join your satsang at Sunday!
Very thankful
Silvia (oneness)
September 5, 2019 @ 10:29 am
Thank you, Silvia, for sharing your beautiful experience. I recall I was very energized for about three months after my awakening with Fred. And I always get a little charge from satsang. I appreciate your reminder about the importance of support in staying clear. Most of us can’t do this alone, nor would we want to.