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  1. Mike
    October 27, 2015 @ 5:20 pm

    I had a very similar realisation lately about control and free will. All of a sudden it was completely clear that nothing in my direct experience could possibly have any choice or power over its existence or disappearance. Can a thought choose? Can a sensation choose? Can a perception choose? No. Yet they all arise and disappear spontaneously without any agent making the choice. So then all that is left (for me, at least) is to be vigilant about thought coming back in as the “me” and taking the credit for running the show! Easier said than done…

    • Fred Davis
      October 27, 2015 @ 10:01 pm

      This is good, Mike. 🙂

  2. Mike
    November 13, 2015 @ 12:15 am

    I’ll third this! I like randomly putting up my hand to my face and “thinking” “who and how did that get chosen”. And, like right now, wondering about the FEELING of how “I” feel like I’m choosing it, but I Know different. Alien Hand Syndrome people are probably having a more accurate experience of it being done To them!

    Fred’s answer to me about “secret Mike”, versus just being the One “who is fully on board”, has been echoing in my head. Whether it’s about “affirmation practice” or “commitment” the answer was in reference to, or my hand experiment, where is this controller (or the one who thinks he’d be out of control if he convinced himself he didn’t exist!)?

    (My computer power suspended (adapter died and battery was already dead) in the middle of writing the last paragraph last week, so I just finished writing this right now. Great practice to be awake to me still breathing life into puppet Mike – while I gauge how upset he is or how frustrated at what to do next.)

    I’ll throw in one of my cool near-tragic experiences. While in Guatemala I was showering under one of their fixtures that heated the water as it came out – open electrical connections where the water came out of the pipe above! I went to rest by hanging some of my weight from that pipe. I started to get electrocuted and my hand stuck there. Instead of panic, I heard myself say in my head calmly, “if you lift your legs your weight will pull you away” – and it did. And to think of how in the rest of life, in much less direr circumstances, I haven’t “controlled” such a sane, calm response!

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