Letter from the Field: Waking Up with Friend
Dear Fred,
It was such a pleasure spending time with you last Thursday. Something I did not tell you during our session was that I felt nervous about having the call with you. I was afraid of not waking up, and, I was afraid of waking up. The truth is, I have watched too many teachers on YouTube who gave me the impression that I might turn into a bowl of Jello after I wake up. Like, it will be so earth shattering that I won’t be able to speak or function in life. Oh my gosh…that’s funny!
When our session began, my fear subsided the second you started talking to me. You are delightful and funny and patient. I did not feel like I was speaking to someone whom I have never met. I am so glad I chose you to help me see that I am already awake.
Here’s a question that you asked: When we’re looking for oneness, what’s the one thing we are always leaving out? That’s brilliant! I use that to help bring clarity when I need it.
Thank you again and I look forward to joining you either for Satsang or a private clarity session. Or both!!
Best wishes,
P.S. Betsy is a gem, but you already knew that! 🙂
July 10, 2017 @ 10:19 am
“When we’re looking for Oneness, what’s the one thing we’re leaving out?” I love that pointer, too!
❤️ Kathleen