The Water’s Game
by Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina
Authorized Teacher of “The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening
“Glenda has written a new book for children, The Water’s Game. It’s nondual teaching, but it doesn’t scream that. I read it and really liked it, but you don’t have to be a nondualist to appreciate it. Fit for general gift-giving.“
– Fred Davis
“An Introduction to Oneness for Children and Other Simple Beings.
The Water’s Game is a beautifully written and marvelously illustrated story about spiritual truth and you very own secret identity, your True Nature. I spent decades as a bookseller, and in my mind, this book falls in the same category as The Velveteen Rabbit and The Giving Tree.
I’ve spent most of the last twenty years as a spiritual teacher with a global following. Glenda has been my student and friend; now, she is a fellow teacher. She knows of the peace she writes about here. You and your child can discover some of what she knows by reading this book. It’s a joy to read. I think it took me about 20-30 minutes to read it silently. Having done that, I recommend reading it out loud regardless of whether you’re sharing it or somewhere quiet and curled up alone.
Do you know the secret of the water? It’s an Open Secret, even an obvious one, yet billions overlook it daily. Don’t be one of Those People. Be a Wise Person instead. Enjoy the pure pleasure of reading this story and simultaneously take it seriously. Discover the Love that You already are.
All it takes is an open heart and an open mind. Give your child the greatest gift and check to see if you, too are Finally Ready. I send you my love.”
– Updated review by Fred Davis on Amazon, October 17, 2023
The Water’s Game is an illustrated hardcover children’s book. It is a metaphor that tells the story of how the world came to be and that there’s just one thing actually here. The key to seeing the truth is love.
The meaning of the story can be appreciated on different levels, depending on the understanding of the reader – adult and child alike. The author experienced herself, so to speak, as an instrument for the book’s expression. The art was inspired by the story and the author worked very closely with the illustrator to create the art.
The universe is aligned to make this book available now for all lovers of truth and beauty.