NEW TITLE! The Book of Unveiling: From Awakening to Abidance
This is a new book of key posts from the pages of Awakening Clarity Now. It’s my fourth book overall and the second collection of my columns. I want to thank John Ames and Jim Brown for making this book possible. John did the collecting and editing, and Jim did the heavy lifting with the graphics, and also the text formatting. You’ll be happy to hear that this title’s overall appearance has been Betsy-proofed, and Betsy approved. I’ve even learned to listen to her. Thank you, love.
In other words, I didn’t really do much of anything, but I still get the money and the credit. Good God Almighty, what a gig!
You know, it’s kind of funny, because sometimes people will ask me, “Fred, why don’t you do a book on the post-awakening experience, since that’s about all you talk about anyway.” Well folks, I would do that, except that I’ve already done it. Twice.
This new title, The Book of Unveiling: From Awakening to Abidance, and its predecessor, The Book of Unknowing: From Enlightenment to Embodiment, both address the challenges more and more of us are having to learn how to deal with, namely how to live, love, work, and stay consciously awake after the discovery of our True Nature. It’s a whole lot trickier than we thought it was going to be, is it not?
Neither one of these books has a starting point. You start where you are. Neither one of them has an ending point. Awakening never ends. Your awakening, which is the only awakening of any importance, is or will arise perfectly. You may often hold a position in opposition to that, but so long as you do you’re going to suffer, and you’re going to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz…
We all wanted the same things from our initial awakening, but unfortunately none of that fantasy stuff is actually available. What am I talking about?
We wanted to wake up our character. Well, that just aint gonna happen, given that your character exists nowhere but between your unit’s ears. Guess I should’ve announced a Spoiler Alert, but I don’t think many of you really need it. Even those who think you’re not awake, and perhaps not even close, let me assure you that if you’re reading these words you are potentially on the very edge of recognizing your true nature. I am a dangerous man for unconsciousness to screw around with, and so most of the time it doesn’t dare to do so.
We all wanted what I call the shiny, showy, lazy S&M version of awakening that would be so explosive that we cold holler, “Tie me up and MAKE me see!” Good luck with that. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. You are responsible for recognizing and accepting your own conscious awakeness. I fully recognize all the paradoxes in what I’ve just written: don’t write to me about them.
Paradox is the name of this game. Even though your character doesn’t really exist, you’re still going to find it to be your primary problem after awakening, and conversely, the chief gateway to your solution. It would be wise to go ahead and make friends with your non-existent self now, because the you-that-isn’t is not going anywhere anytime soon. Welcome to that most ultimate paradoxical relationship: experience versus reality.
We all wanted our awakening to be fixed, permanent. Even in post-awakening we find it difficult to see the insanity in this idea. Ego is forever trying to graduate from spirituality. Let me tell you once and for all: THERE IS ONLY GETTING IT! There’s no “got it,” and no “gonna get it.” The good news is that the only arising we ever have to surrender to is this one.
For my part, I also wanted, at the very least, for all of my relative problems to go away; and my real preference was that I be allowed to escape relativity altogether. Nope and nope. I did notice that the problems were Fred’s, and had nothing whatsoever to do with Me, and that was pleasant. I also found out that discovering who I really am,
The great thing is that even though awakening isn’t what I thought it would be, it’s about a thousand times cooler. I am privileged to help people come to greater clarity every day of my life through sessions, workshops, videos, and of course these books I hawk. I make a couple of bucks a copy, which is a lot better than a dental visit, but if you’re really interested in getting clear and living as Clarity, and not just dreaming, and talking, and whining about it, you will by far get the best end of the deal when you buy one.
And don’t shelve the damn thing. Read it.
Fred Davis
July 10, 2015
7.10 Update#1 TBU3 has been out for just a few hours, and the Kindle edition has already broken into the Top 100 Books in the Eastern Philosophy category. Thank you!
7.10 Update#2 TBU3 is now in the Top 25 Books in Eastern Philosophy, and is the #1 Hot New Release in that category. COOL!!!
7.11 Update#3 Less than 24 hours after launch, on TBU3 is #6 in Eastern Philosophy.
July 10, 2015 @ 4:16 pm
Sold !
July 10, 2015 @ 4:52 pm
Thanks, Tommy! If you enjoy it, please leave a review on Amazon. Those things make a BIG difference. π
July 10, 2015 @ 5:31 pm
Just bought the Kindle version of ‘Book of Unveiling’. Great job Fred!
July 10, 2015 @ 5:32 pm
Thank you, John! I really appreciate that. See you soon! π
July 10, 2015 @ 9:24 pm
Congrats, Fred! Chris just bought it for us.
Thanks for the reminder that the ego won’t wake up. What a menace it would be if it did! It’s bad enough when it thinks it woke up, if it actually did so, I’m sure it would be insufferable company.
July 11, 2015 @ 12:19 am
Thank you, Kathleen! Thank you, Chris! Love to both of you!
July 11, 2015 @ 2:38 pm
oh what a great surprise that theres another book.
just bought it and now its reading time.
it feels like a guarantee for oscillating back to clarity.
Thanks Fred π
July 11, 2015 @ 3:51 pm
Terrific! Remember that oscillation means that Oneness is, or is not believing arising thoughts. You can’t choose what thoughts arise, but you can choose whether you want to take delivery of them or not. π