Notes from an English Path (And a Crucial Video Rewind)
![Gravel path through English garden](
A breakthrough……
A breakthrough……
Seeing in a clearer way that Awakeness needs to surrender to Juleeness has been showing me more elements to how important this is…..
The beginning of true forgiveness arrived in the moment of realizing that Juleeness is just here. Nothing can be done about it. That Juleeness will NEVER see Awakeness or be awakened arrived in a really insightful way. The switch in direction of resolves 100% the ‘problem’ of making Juleeness go away.
After waking this morning and just lying peacefully, enjoying the start of the day – thoughts were running through my mind. As usual – critique on everything that was happening, should be happening, wasn’t happening. Not loud and invasive, but there nonetheless. And it just struck me – I GOT IT that the thoughts were just energy let off by the body-mind. Nothing to do with ME. The REAL ME that’s in here……so if the thoughts are just body energy then they’ve got nothing to do with me. Critique, shoulds, shouldnts, horrible thoughts, judgeful thoughts – not ME!!! Nothing to do with me! So Im NOT this ‘bad person’ thinking these critical horrible thoughts. its just my mind trying to help ‘me’ control the world. But it aint ME.
And so I am released to just be ME, and the mind can stream whatever garbage it likes. No issue.
And so, one more layer of insightfulness.
So appreciative of being here. And so appreciative of your guidance and willingness to repeat – ad nauseum, the same things over and over, till the mind finally decides it DOESNT know, and fresh guidance shows up.
Fondest regards,
Many of you will recall that Julee is one of my English students, and that from time to time she drops me a note which I sometimes share with you. The insight she’s discussing, that ultimately Awakeness has to surrender to the unit is something we discussed in our last Clarity Session. Just because we wake up to the dream doesn’t mean we’re suddenly in control of it. Nor are we actually in control of the unit through which we’re viewing the dream. You may find this video from a couple of years ago helpful as well.
This feels like the biggest step forward in a long time Fred.
Its been worth waiting for. The insights keep coming.
I have the feeling that a missive is pending. A long journey’s worth of staying the course to determine how this works. What it is. What am I?
Sitting and meditating yesterday, it amused me greatly to figure that I am playing the oddest game of hide and seek. I have attempted to lose myself in the vastness of the Universe. Not to be found. A speck of dust on a whirling ball. A shed load of objects to distract me. Things, thoughts and feelings. And, of course, the body itself. Especially the view from the body’s senses.
So while it lasts, the Soul(for want of a description/word) encompasses the body, its thoughts and feelings.The thoughts and feelings are energies thrown off by the body. Unrelated to ME.
The inner voice seems to have my voice – but says odd things. Often contradictory.
I repeat myself, I know, but the deliciousness of realizing this has hit me so hard!
The small mind thinks its real, and its source of information is severely limited.
Being lost includes being lost in the small mind. Identity is confined to the arising thoughts and feelings. None of which ARE the I AM – as I AM is the witness of all these movements. Spending time connecting to I AMness, consciously, feels like building spiritual muscle, now.
Having seen the turnaround – surrender BY I-AMness and not by Juleeness – provides the AHA!! of why constant re-setting of awareness is something to keep returning to – the illusion keeps pulling one in. The game of hide and seek is magnetic!
Fun and games.
Loving it.
July 9, 2016 @ 11:14 am
Thanks Julee and Fred. Good insight! We don’t have to take what these units do personally. We can guide them lovingly, and often they’ll follow that guidance. But if they don’t, that’s their prerogative. I’m not me, I’m the one who loves me (and all of creation), unconditionally.
July 9, 2016 @ 2:56 pm
July 9, 2016 @ 11:40 am
Thoughts are just energy ‘let off’ by the bodymind is SO appropriate… Charlie Hayes (The Eternal State) used to call thoughts brain farts 🙂 Great insight!
July 9, 2016 @ 2:57 pm