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  1. Robbin
    May 13, 2017 @ 2:54 pm

    Wow! Clear as a bell. Arrived precisely on time.
    Thank you.

  2. Mike Zerbel
    May 14, 2017 @ 10:08 pm

    Instead of “reversal of fortune, it’s the Fortunate Reversal! “No situation or person can generate any experience within me” is a great mantra. Especially when tag teamed with inquiry that takes that trajectory into … NowHere!

    “We may identify more or less strongly with the particular character we have come to label as our self.”, is what I now call telling myself the truth: the denied, but first “significant other”, is “this” role, the “me”! The first primordial thought “I Am”, when it dreamt “well that’s not me, or ‘not enough’, It then made another one to see if that was It, and called it You. And since it still couldn’t find what it was looking for in You, on it went from 1 to 2 to 10,000 “other”. And It has to start where it finds Itself when it starts to adm-it It was All all along: in me, and you, and 10000 others. And that’s why Service, because “we” are all interchangeable!

    The screen is more beautiful for You and your words, Mike

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