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  1. David
    May 21, 2016 @ 1:09 pm

    An interesting statistic ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think that during my awakening session I told the story of when I was 7 or 8 years old, the headmaster at the school gave a road safety talk becasue a boy had been involved in a road accident and was in a coma. He explained what a coma was, it was a new concept to most of the kids. I was fascinated, but wondered if, maybe, I could be in a coma myself, and that, perhaps, one day I would wake up.

  2. Kathleen
    May 21, 2016 @ 1:14 pm

    Darn, I didn’t get a chance to watch the video!

  3. Mike
    May 21, 2016 @ 5:11 pm

    omg! I followed the link yesterday, leaving the Youtube page open, and was able to watch it just now. I wish I had saved it for you Kathleen. One question Fred posed I don’t think I’ve heard before – “What time is it on Mars?”. Of course it’s his delivery that makes it precious. And then posing as the mind he’s trying to trip up, saying “huh” and scratching his head!

    Great kid’s story David. My guess about the current zombie fascination is that it reflects humanity’s unconscious awareness that it’s “living” is actually dead. I partake of these shows, so wonder what that reflects about me!

    Wishing you all lucid dreaming and peaceful awakening!

    PS I had a dream that went lucid. In it, I walked away from the scene that had been occurring, into the football field that turned up next to it. As I walked to the middle, I realized that if I got in the fetal position I knew “Mike” was sleeping in, that would enable me to contact me. As soon as I did, I woke up. And now just a few days ago I had occasion to relay this, and to my surprise it fit the reading material on awakening I was explaining to others. This book had revealed that the practices or processes for awakening are all just an “aligning” with the Truth we already are. So my surprise was that in my dream, I had done that – physically aligning my body with the “real” Mike!

    • Kathleen
      May 21, 2016 @ 7:26 pm


      Thanks for thinking of me. Fred was gracious enough to send me a link, so I was able to watch it after all.

      That’s an interesting dream experience you had. I’ve found that while I rarely have lucid dreams, my dreams (and waking life) are weirder of late. I wonder if that’s a sign I’m more in line with reality. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. lynn-ness
    May 22, 2016 @ 7:42 am

    We could view it this way

    3 (likes)
    +2 (dislikes)
    5 (students)


  5. lynn-ness
    May 22, 2016 @ 8:09 am

    Awakeness is like nakedness.

    That is to say, IT is always the present state of everyone however the camouflage can be a persistent distraction. Fred-Ness is a Master at pointing out the camouflage.

    It`s that simple.


    • Fred Davis
      May 22, 2016 @ 9:54 am

      Thank you, Lynn!

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