YouTube Recommendations from an Awakened Being
Hello, everybody! Awakening Clarity Now has an informal “satsang sangha.” Its members are in the Continuing Students Program, meet with me privately on a regular basis, or meet with each other, and me, three times a month for Sunday Satsang. They can also contact each other during the week via email, and can make use of a little private forum Roland set up for us.
During satsang this past Sunday, a member of the sangha announced that this meeting marked the two-year anniversary of her discovering The Living Method on YouTube, and swiftly waking up from it. Her name is Meera, and she shared something about her spiritual journey before and after awakening, as well as her gratitude to her own internal Guru – the true Guru. It was really lovely, and touching.
Meera also suggested some videos she thought a newer member might benefit from. I believe her insight to be valuable and asked her to post that list to the forum, which she did this morning. I’m posting those links here for all of you. May you find comfort, joy, and freedom!
You Are Not Born and You Do Not Die
July 13, 2017 @ 10:26 pm
Thank you Meera for sharing your experiences. My father is 93 and my mother is 90. I will for sure view the videos.