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  1. Mike Zerbel
    November 9, 2017 @ 5:44 pm

    When Awakeness decided to play with experiencing what it’s not, when the prodigal son took a walk, that dreaming couldn’t not have as part of its dreaming “being helped from outside”. Why wouldn’t I want help as a nicer dreaming? A rude dream of awakening isn’t necessary. Thinking I needed help, that was a rude enough dream. Knowing I am of Help, I gladly take it – and give it. Funny his idea that he was manipulating. If that’s a believed belief, then it would be seen as an experience “proving” it. This mirror thing makes for quite a trickster when turned into a fun house mirror maze that this dreaming has made.

  2. Vince (Vinji)
    November 10, 2017 @ 1:43 pm

    I have a couple of comments regarding the unnamed spiritual teacher’s perspective. There is no difference between having Awakeness within a student awaken to itself spontaneously or being assisted by Awakeness through a teacher. It’s all Oneness anyway, so the manner in which ‘someone’ (there is no someone) wakes up doesn’t matter. Either way, the student was ready!

    Relatedly, as a metaphor, if a person walking around the city is lost, do you (a) leave him alone and hopes s/he finds his way, (b) give him/her a map and have them try to figure out the city on its own, (c) give the person specific directions to their destination and wish him/her well or (d) walk the person directly to his/her destination. I know which approach I would prefer!

    • Fred Davis
      November 10, 2017 @ 2:12 pm

      Hey, Vince! I like that analogy. 🙂 But of course the other teacher is not “wrong”. Every unit is doing precisely what it’s supposed to be doing until it does something else. I’m so glad he left this position open for me (so to speak)! ♥

  3. Mike Zerbel
    November 10, 2017 @ 5:00 pm

    And, pointing out a “pattern” in their way that they might not have seen yet. In time, “you” already have. Would you let your BRother fall in a ditch?! Only in dreaming could they, and only in dreaming would I “think” I should let them for their own good. Thanks for the perfect metaphor.

  4. Kathleen
    November 11, 2017 @ 2:06 pm

    This is an interesting topic. It seems to me that there is no danger in awakening anyone because if they are not ready, they’ll quickly fall back asleep. I’m grateful Fred is willing to bring awakeness to anyone who manages to land in front of him!


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