Letter from the Field: Discovering the Very Same Thing That the Founders of All the Great Traditions Discovered
Hi Fred,
I just wanted to share with you that I found the chapter, “Claiming Your True Identity” in “The Book Of Unknowing” EXTREMELY helpful this week! “What matters is that we bite and hang on like snapping turtles”..that dogged tenacity REALLY sunk in when I read it!
I had read the chapter maybe two weeks ago and it had started to take hold (pun intended!) Then a few days ago as I was walking around town (I’ve found walking with no goal to be enormously beneficial, much easier for my unit than stationary meditation), I spontaneously recalled the answer that David Hoffmeister, an ACIM teacher, gave to someone when, in making conversation, they asked him where he was from. Small town? Big city?
“I’m from Heaven,” he said simply.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it. No qualifications or apologies, or explanations.
Just as I was smiling to myself about the simplicity of his answer, I found myself saying out loud, “I’m from heaven too! I’m an angel! And heaven is my home.” It was like the words just fell out of my mouth without me even thinking them.
Then I looked around and laughed and saw that EVERYONE ELSE is an angel too! And heaven is everyone’s home–not a physical location or even a state or experience, but simply the “isness,” the “reality” of existence. I saw that everyone is playing dress-up, God throwing Himself a costume party with all of these beautiful units!
A few moments later, another truth fell out of my mouth: “Laughter is my path, laughter is my prayer!” And since then whenever I’ve felt oscillation come in, I just laugh and remember that I’m an angel, and BOOM, oscillation is seen to be simply another adorable, lovable mirage.
Of course, everyone “claims their awakening” using slightly different language or terminology…but it feels so joyful that I’ve come into claiming my awakening with confidence and certainty! This unit grew up in the church and just loves Jesus and St. Francis to death, and feels closer to them than ever. It feels like there’s a real meshing now and I’ve got so much joy and clarity in claiming my identity, and that chapter, “Claiming Your True Identity,” seems to have given me that last little nudge 🙂
Many, many thanks,
PS–As I wrote Betsy, I am starting a new job and I don’t know my hours yet, but I will be in touch to schedule the continuing student check-ins. Looking forward! Thank you again so much!!
This teaching need not replace your spiritual path. Think of it as an accompaniment. This teaching will bring you to the very same “understanding” that the founders of all the Great Traditions experienced. This “understanding” is of a higher order than ordinary understanding, which is brought about by education and worldly experience. So come here, discover the truth, then return to your path and be on a par with your teachers – or beyond them, in many cases.
November 9, 2017 @ 6:00 pm
I am the light THAT understands, no understanding necessary. I am the light that illuminates the paths. And it turns “monsters” like Jesus (for me) into friends. And makes for great letters like this, thank you. Live laughs and love! – I’m too retired to even try to “let” live! (that then happens readily)
November 9, 2017 @ 7:42 pm