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  1. John McGeachie
    February 18, 2014 @ 8:14 am

    First off like to thank you for your book “Beyond Recovery”. I have incorporated into my understanding of the 12 step program I believe we have in common. I have been working with some others where your book is used as the principle guide in doing the steps and the response has been incredibly positive, so I thank you for lighting up a few eyes.

    One thing has been bugging me though and that is the statement of numerous folks “waking up” sometimes in just one session with you and in some cases having never had any acquaintance with nonduality. I’m sure you have explained it somewhere in your literature but I haven’t come across it as yet. Would you be so kind as to explain it to me. I have acquainted myself with it for close to 20 years and have yet to have the big penny drop and so, still having a tether bound to this body-mind, am feeling a little jealous that others with but 2 hours with you have realized their true nature. Please unleash me from this angst. A little tongue in check that but I would like some clarification.
    Many thanks Fred

    • Fred Davis
      February 18, 2014 @ 3:32 pm

      Hi, John! Thank you, John, for your kind words about Beyond Recovery.

      As to why people who’ve searched for decades can come to know their True Nature after a couple of hours with me is, on one level, unexplainable. Awakening is unexplainable, too. So I never try to explain it–what I call “Talk and Tell”. An Awakening Session is “Show and Tell”. I help you bend awakeness back on itself so that it “can’t not” see itself. That process works in the great majority of cases. But in the end? It’s a miracle, pure and simple. It’s a miracle every single time.

      Very best,


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