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  1. Sharon Desjarlais
    January 12, 2014 @ 10:36 pm

    Great post, Fred. You are always so sharp, so dead on.

    Thank you for keeping me sane!

    Big HUG,

    • Fred Davis
      January 12, 2014 @ 10:43 pm

      You’re so welcome! And thank YOU!! See you soon!

      All love,

  2. Sally
    January 13, 2014 @ 3:27 am

    I appreciate the way you explain these things. I get it!

    • Fred Davis
      January 13, 2014 @ 3:46 am

      Thank you, Sally! I’m happy to be of service.

      In joy,

  3. Fred Davis
    January 13, 2014 @ 3:54 am

    Hey, Paul! Thanks for the note!

    In joy,

  4. Mike Zerbel
    January 13, 2014 @ 4:22 am

    I’d like to know more about how intention fits in. NOW is a saving grace for me. It even seems to nix more manic type leanings as I get that

    thoughts can only come one at a time. I accept it’s just a belief that thought can come too many or too fast (although I believe that comes from

    a faith beyond because FAST THOUGHT would just skip over that factoid).

    Intention, though, I also experience as thinking, as that voice. So how do I engage intention, especially for “formal” practice?

    (including which and what for?: to let whatever come up, to be in service/invite AllThatIs, because meditating has been so advised and appeals

    to me more than others, because I can’t not, …

    I’d like to know more about how intention fits in. NOW is a saving grace for me. It even seems to nix more manic type leanings as I get that thoughts can only come one at a time. I accept it’s just a belief that thoughts can come too many or too fast (although I believe “getting” that comes from a faith beyond because FAST THOUGHT would just skip over that factoid).

    Intention, though, I also experience as thinking – as that voice. So how do I engage intention, especially for “formal” practice?

    (including which and what for?: to let whatever come up, to be in service/invite AllThatIs, because meditating has been so advised and appeals to me more than others, because I can’t not, because I do wonder about how all this comes out of “no thing” anyway … )

    So this shows how NOW is more important to me. Even thinking gets interrupted when I remember to “observe” (as I weary of thinking anyway, i.e. suffering !). (I don’t understand how to “observe” a thought actually, since it’s already past when the “thought” to observe comes back up).

    So how do I choose to intend, and even further, choose to be earnest about it. I accept that giving my attention to the idea of earnestness, and following through with acting as if, might snowball into an experience of earnestness. Otherwise I feel hamstrung regarding intention. I don’t know how I got to where I am, and that was more painful emotionally and practically disabling earleir. Now though I’m relatively “better” off, and maybe that’s testimony to choosing NOW “more”!

    And thanks for your testimony that NOW “works” for you.

    PS all this got wiped out because the web page reloaded when it didn’t accept the copied password (I had copied this but forgot that copying the password would wipe that out!) so how I managed the intention to comment on your post, much less reconstruct it … ! ? )

    • Fred Davis
      January 13, 2014 @ 4:25 am

      Hey, Mike! Thanks for writing in. I don’t teach via comments or email, but I appreciate your thoughts.

      In joy,

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