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  1. Joyce
    January 15, 2017 @ 4:13 pm

    Adam- Beautifully written. Especially this part: “Our experience is as it is, and feeling like Adam, Oneness, Vastness or Nothingness are all completely equal expressions of who I am. That’s why there’s no shame in feeling like you are that little character and identifying with the body. It doesn’t change anything about who you are. You are beyond all these experiences and expressions. They can’t touch You.

    Embrace the human as it is. Understand that it is doing the best it can. The game is rigged from the very beginning. It is meant to break you. It is the only way to make You see. Know that it is okay when it does, because collapse and decay, too, are a way to freedom.” (The phoenix rising from the ashes)

    Thank you.
    love you,

    • Adam
      January 15, 2017 @ 10:27 pm

      Thank you, Joyce. I really appreciate it. 🙂

  2. Mike Zerbel
    January 15, 2017 @ 8:40 pm

    I feel like there’s someone down in the trenches with me! (hope that’s not too dark of a reference, it’s meant lightly)

    The “constant checking” reminded me of a meditation insight years ago where I named it “The Verifyer”. Mine was about all the other thoughts (I hadn’t graduated to the significance of feelings yet). I realized I had some sense of checking everything against “understanding” that i deemed already … well, to be checked against! I didn’t know what to do with that. I wasn’t near yet questioning who is the i having insights. So reading this felt it was meant for a healing of that (wow, I have compassion for The Verifyer now!).

    “Can you feel the subtle sadness that comes with trying to make them go away?” is sooo supportive. I “think” that “sadness” is already the experience of subtler levels of (self) rejection. This doesn’t get me away from the sadness, it “centers” it (i don’t have to believe that some’thing” causes sadness). I highly recommend what I watched too of Jeff Foster: these feelings that are “still” here and that “come back” again can be “let be” with a graceful still-ness and a welcoming.

    • Adam
      January 15, 2017 @ 10:44 pm

      Yes, I have seen that video too, he uses some wording there that I like a lot. You are definitely not alone, it still feels like the uncovering has barely begun. I’m glad that you have found the article helpful Mike. 🙂

  3. Adam
    January 15, 2017 @ 10:43 pm

    Yes, I have seen that video too, he uses some wording there that I like a lot. You are definitely not alone, it still feels like the uncovering has barely begun. I’m glad that you have found the article helpful Mike. 🙂

  4. Robbin
    January 21, 2017 @ 2:24 am

    Bullseye! Great post.
    ” Feelings are there to be felt” . There is noticing and no fixing. Fixing is lack of acceptance.

    • Adam
      January 25, 2017 @ 9:57 pm

      Thank you, Robbin, I appreciate it. 🙂

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