Letter from the Field: Hands That Move All On Their Own

Hi Fred
I really love your recent post …Just wanted to share something with you ..
The other night we gave a concert and there was a totally different quality in the air.. In between songs or pieces I found my noself connecting with the noaudience in a way that I can only describe like ………..
….as if I were sitting having a cup of tea with a close friend .. So relaxed and joyful… There was so much laughter in the air and lightness .. But still the music played in its own soulful way .. and it felt like notme playing and my nofingers were taking some serious risks .. jumping about all over the place….and the surprising thing..
… it really sounded better than ever .. Some kind of connection … Wow !!
Now I’m really excited about our upcoming tour … notgoing to Europe in a few weeks … We are notflying on 12th Sept to London .. Infinity .. and beyond … L
[Terry Oldfield]

YouTube video by Terry Oldfield and Soraya
August 11, 2017 @ 1:06 pm
Awesome letter and beautiful song!