Letters from the Field: Notes on the August 21 Satsang & The New Home Page Text
To start things out, I riffed for forty minutes on the
first paragraph of the new home page text.
Here are some student responses.
You are invited to join us.
Fred, this text–and the talk you gave today elaborating on it–are amazing.
Surgical, uncompromising.
I feel like there has been a quantum leap in the articulation of teaching.
So brutally clear.
Giant sword of truth being swung.
“You kicked some big time ass”
And how dazzlingly and unfortunately true.
The number of people in the room, who had been following them,
and attending retreats, etc, for the last 15 years – OR MORE –
that still hadn’t seen the truth, or even got out the starting blocks, was startling.
It is so “sign”ificant and even the rhythm of delivery was harmonious.