PICTURE POST: Why I was three minutes late to my first session today.
I had to get up and leave my boys. Dickens was on the table, Jack (who has a head, but no face that we can find) was in the chair beside me, and Willy was lying on my foot.
It’s pretty hard to leave such a warm little nest of love.
By the way, I was looking for a photo of someone, and did a Google image search under “nondual teachers”. The person I was looking for was there on the first page, as I was, but that ain’t nuttin’. WILLY was there!! He says that he taught me everything I know, but not everything he knows.
Be still my aching heart.
March 25, 2016 @ 11:04 pm
Be still,
my quaking heart -()-
You’re Good….
And so am “I” .
I Love You.