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  1. Kathleen
    September 8, 2019 @ 11:10 am

    Thank you, Wesley. This is really beautiful, profound and every word so true!

    BTW, I didn’t notice the haircut or the aesthetics of the cry on your hit YouTube video. 🙂 And whatever you say in satsang today, whether profound, mundane or nothing at all, I will know I’m listening to Myself.


    • Wesley
      September 10, 2019 @ 7:27 pm

      Thank you, Kathleen. That is helpful to read. Ahhhhh, nice.

  2. Amanda Jones
    September 8, 2019 @ 5:15 pm

    This is so beautiful. Thank you!

    • Fred Davis
      September 8, 2019 @ 5:39 pm

      Thanks, Amanda! f

  3. Barb
    September 9, 2019 @ 2:54 pm

    Wesley the experience here was, is, very much the same. There is still the experience of anxiety and it and can last for months. I know it will pass. It’s odd how suffering is the biggest teacher, it shines the light on so many false beliefs, patterns, the fears that appear to drive it all. I am very appreciative you shared your experience. Beautifully written.

    • Wesley
      September 10, 2019 @ 7:25 pm

      Thanks, Barb. Yes, it is helpful for me to hear your report. Some real core traumas and conditioning are being revealed right now, not fun. Intense inner weather. Kundalini energy, too. Wild ride. Be well.

  4. Wesley
    September 10, 2019 @ 7:25 pm

    Thanks, Barb. Yes, it is helpful for me to hear your report. Some real core traumas and conditioning are being revealed right now, not fun. Intense inner weather. Kundalini energy, too. Wild ride. Be well.

  5. Mike
    September 12, 2019 @ 3:53 am

    Great caretaking Wesley!, thank you very much.

  6. robert
    September 30, 2019 @ 5:11 pm

    A wonderful honest account of daily living after enlightenment. Thanks for the wise discernment of the self as separate from the struggling unit.

    • Fred Davis
      September 30, 2019 @ 6:17 pm

      Thank you for your insightful comment. ?

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