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  1. Mike
    September 30, 2017 @ 7:47 pm

    Yet another concept from 12 Steps that eerily parralless this is “raising the bottom”. You don’t have to repeat “other’s” experiences, “because there is no other!” (i’m leaning in and accenting my vocie, as I love to see Fredness drive home points!) . The seeming tenaciousness/attraction of some ritual/practice/understanding is JUST denial. And no different than the conventional temptations of conventional sins. Unraveling that what Awakeness “did” through a unit means to NOT focus on what that unit did; and especially descriptions of abiding Awake are not recipes of “doing” in order to be awake. In 12 step its “unconcious” acceptance that helps those who can “see” the sameness of their “story” so they readily no longer have to pursue it furhter down. I say unconscious because it’s still a person focused on the dream riches (in this case abstaining, versus the previous riches of hoping to partake). Also, the mystifcation of why “some get it and others don’t” is because it’s up to Awakeness how much the recovery model is being used for Itself. For me it didn’t make enough sense until Fredness – it didn’t make sense how it could revolve around the problem. Now I can “hear” Fred, and I can really respect “his” bottom. The partaking problem for 12 stepers is a very loud problem. And maybe nowadays the spiritual seeking problem that is no different (loudness in the end doesn’t make the root issue different), has surfaced enough to result in Fredness and this clarity, this glowing!

    Bottoms up! Mike

    • Fred Davis
      September 30, 2017 @ 7:59 pm

      Thank you, Mike. I love you, too.
      Mike is a member of our Continuing Students Program, and has been a part of this teaching since “way back in the day” of the original Awakening Clarity, which began in the summer or 2011 and morphed into the much more sophisticated Awakening Clarity Now in the autumn of 2013 as a more effective way to address what was then, and still is, an ever expanding audience.

  2. Kathleen
    September 30, 2017 @ 9:12 pm

    Thanks, Fred. I would go for self-enhancement over self-immolation any day, if only it worked! But we can’t fix this unit because it’s already gone up in flames. Dust in the wind. But the joy is discovering that we’re still here!

    <3 Kathleen

  3. Emilio
    October 3, 2017 @ 1:58 pm

    It is as you say. The path seems circular. I am not sure if I’m wasting my time or not. I read this and it raises alot of doubt in me. At times it really seems I’m making alot of progress and during that time I always feel like “I’m getting there”. But the “progress” has always been followed up by regress back to the heavy self, and the suffering that accompanies it.

    I don’t know how to stop this pattern. I tried giving up spirituality all together for a while. I lasted a couple of days.

    • Fred Davis
      October 3, 2017 @ 2:03 pm

      Once your head gets far enough in the tiger’s mouth, there’s no backing out. You can’t stop the seeking, because you never started it. It’s doing what it does until it does something else. Come to satsang. Why not go ahead and find freedom right now?

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