“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Clarity House and Hurricane Florence
Columbia, SC, where Betsy and I live, is dead on the projected path of Hurricane Florence, which they say is “the storm of a lifetime.” Unless you factor in global warming, at which point we have no idea whatsoever what is going on right now, much less in the future. For all we know, we may look back at Florence with fond nostalgia when the storms of the future start coming today.
Fortunately, we’re 100 miles inland, so we won’t see the worst of it, but no weather caster in the country seems to be able to agree with any other weather caster what that means.
For instance, at this moment (9.12.18 10:30 EDT ), you can find one expert predicting that on the coast itself there will be a storm surge in the neighborhood of eight feet. Unless it’s 20, like another channel’s expert says. Oops.
WTF? That’s quite a big, large, GIANT range, is it not?
Winds in our area are expected to be somewhere between 25 and 75 miles per hour. Gee, thanks.
We’re to receive 2″ – 10″ of rain. Huh? I mean, come on, which is it gonna be – a rainy day, or a floodplain disaster? On the coast, they are reporting that those folks will see somewhere between 12″ – 40″. Huh?
Betsy just read that it’ll start affecting the state tomorrow, Thursday. I read at the same time that it won’t hit us until Saturday. Unless it comes Friday or Sunday, of course.
Hurricane force and tropical storms winds, some say, will be felt as far away as 195 miles from the center. If that’s true, then about thirty minutes after landfall, Columbia will be being buffeted mercilessly. Or the affected area could be a lot smaller. Depending on what happens.
Here is what the Weather Channel is predicting for my area for the next five days.
Unless there’s a hurricane, you know, like the one on its way.
Thank God for the precision of science, huh? Hell, I could issue a clearer weather report than that from my instrument-free living room, and duct tape over my eyes. In fact, I will do exactly that.
Ladies and gentlemen, over the next several days we are going to be in for some…wait for it…weather. It’s going to rip the trees right out of your yard and throw them at the neighbors. Or it’s going to be a bit breezy, so you might want to keep a scarf handy, especially if you’ll be driving the convertible.
So no one knows squat.
The reason I’m posting this is because, as of this writing, I still have power and cable from both Time Warner and ATT. However, neither I, nor anyone else in the world has even a good guess if we’ll have power and cable over the weekend, or have it restored in time for the regular Sunday Satsang at 2:00 pm. I’ll let you satsangers know more on Sunday morning, when the weathermen will again be considered reliable, even prophetic.
I’m betting yes, because that’s what I want, and I’m hoping the path and power of Florence is going to be greatly affected by the Fred unit’s preferences. After all, this unit is the axle of the wheel of the world, is it not? Break it to me gentle if I’m wrong.
Will we have cable and power next week, in time for my regular four-a-day sessions? Probably. Unless we don’t. Again, we’ll keep you abreast of the news right after it shows up in front of our eyes.
I was talking to Matej today, a wonderful client and friend of mine, who is just beautifully clear. While we were talking an insight popped into my head. I looked at him and said, “Oh, you know what, I’ve been thinking that I’m not a hurricane! That’s certainly not true, so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.
In fact, I predict that everything will go exactly as it does, and by simply reaping the easily available benefit of a Oneness-eye-view, it’ll be just perfect. Imagine that!
Our blessings continue to be boundless. Unbelievable. So thank you for your love, but know there is no need for concern. We reflect that love back to you, only magnified. Keep your powder dry.
In peace,
Fred & Betsy
September 13, 2018 @ 8:59 am
Sending prayers for you and all in the path of Florence to be safe and property preserved.
Joyce Anderson
September 13, 2018 @ 10:06 am
Thinking of you both often as I read predictions of “the future” This post is more than delightful……..it has lifted my spirits immensely. Thank you. I am ok The teachings have served me well. I hope my session on the 21st happens. (now I am the center of the universe)
all love,
Joyce Anderson
September 13, 2018 @ 2:34 pm
Thank you for this, Fred. It brought laughter and light to my day. Nondualism is helping me through
love, Joyce
September 13, 2018 @ 6:31 pm
Oh so true…in trying to predict weather and the future….
Fred Davis
September 14, 2018 @ 1:40 am
September 15, 2018 @ 2:45 am
Hope you are all safe.
Fred Davis
September 15, 2018 @ 12:17 pm
Thanks, JJ. We’re fine at 12:15 pm Saturday. The ex-hurricane is only moving at 2 mph, so the brunt is taking its time in getting here. Looks like it’ll most be from mid-afternoon today through mid-morning tomorrow. I’m encouraged by what I hear. We may avoid the worst of it. Poor coast!
All is well, regardless. The kid in my is kind of excited. The adult in me…not so much. 🙂