Notes from an English Path: A Tree of Glee by Julee Bergstrom
It’s now been just on five years that I’ve been hanging out with Fred, and, oh, what a five years they’ve been! As time passes and grounding in Awakeness broadens, I count my life as blessed beyond my wildest imaginings.
If life is happy to continue to play over here, I count myself lucky to live out my days looking and living as Awakeness—truly living. If I get even luckier, I might get to share this with a few dedicated souls who are also serious enough to stay the course once an initial awakening has occurred. And luckier still, I’ll spend my last breath pointing at truth or knocking someone’s head off who wants to use a precious moment delaying seeing truth for themselves, when it’s evident they really want to do so, but are being ego derailed in a critical moment.
Awakening is an important moment. How brilliantly lucky am I to have found Fred’s website, and to have such a skilled unit point clearly enough that I got the “Oh!! Is that it!?” I laughed about it, then spent a night in the feeling of a hot air balloon, and by morning, life looked very ordinary again—yet it was ineffably different from that moment on.
Big spiritual blastings don’t happen over here. This unit has had some moments of feeling covered in a God Blanket, but nothing that has blown its top or been long lasting. It’s been small glimpses—but enough to cause the hunger to hunt for more. This is probably a good thing. I sense an addictive personality that would never recover from getting too big a hit. Searching for that again would then become the end game, rather than getting serious about being clear, here, now.
This is just a statement of glee and joyfulness, and true gratitude. To be in this space, to be talking regularly to Fred and to receive the spoonful of medicine when needed, to be in satsang and among truly bright and clear others: What more could one ask of a truly blessed life?
I sense myself as a tree—a sapling right now, but stability and steadiness in greater evidence as time passes: growing happily, branches pointed to the sky; joy at reaching for and delighting in the sunlight. Who would not stay the course? For those who come and go and try to do it on their own, I have to wonder: Why? Why do that when love and guidance abound among a loving group and a dedicated and oh-so-bright-and-clear teacher?
Love to all. Blessed over here.
Julee Bergstrom is enrolled in The Living Method Continuing Student Program. She lives in the UK.
May 26, 2018 @ 6:54 pm
Well said, Julee. I am grateful that you can articulate so beautifully the experiences oneness is having over here. I too “get it” little by little, but oh those moments! Thank you for your writings.
June 8, 2018 @ 7:17 pm
Words expressing what many of us share. Thank you Julee.