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  1. Paul
    July 10, 2021 @ 8:46 am

    Hi Fred,
    After watching your YouTube videos for some time now I’m being pulled to attend an awakening session with you.
    It’s a shame you’re no longer doing the one to one sessions as I would have liked that.
    Please can you let me know when your next Skill full means series will take place and how I can register.
    Thanks Fred,

    • Fred Davis
      July 11, 2021 @ 7:32 pm

      I emailed you that information. I trust you got it.

  2. SKILLFUL MEANS #7—ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER!!! – Awakening Clarity Now by Fred Davis
    January 19, 2022 @ 4:29 pm

    […] If you’re unfamiliar with this teaching, check out our Even More and the Meetings pages. Just scroll way down and you’ll see scores of testimonials from people just like you who found freedom through The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening, which is the birth mother of Skillful Means. Here’s another link to post where you’ll see how former Skillful Means students felt about their series. […]

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