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  1. Mike Zerbel
    December 7, 2017 @ 8:57 pm

    Spira has a meaningul video commenting on readings from this book (Know Yourself). I searched for it, and it was still marked at the place of a memorable comment for me. It was in answer to whether/why Awareness needs manifestation.

    “It does not need to rise in the form of the finite mind in order to know itself. In fact, onsciousness needs to rise in the form of the finite mind to know something that is apprarently other than itself. … In order to know something OTHER than its own infinite being (manifestation).”

    • Fred Davis
      December 7, 2017 @ 10:03 pm

      This is one point of view. Nisargadatta held another, and my vote is with Maharaj.

      “In order to know something OTHER than its own infinite being.”

      Is there anything other than the Infinite?

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