“At the beginning there was nothing, and out of this nothingness I could observe how things were born into this world the moment I identified them. I started laughing because I was struck how all those things did not exist until I named them, and it was as if I could see clearly for the first time in my life. I recognized that my being had nothing to do with my thinking, but that I could also create a ME with the thoughts I chose to have. Out of these insights.”
~ Byron Katie

“Although we can experience moments of no-self, rarely does the self fall away all at once. Generally one vacillates somewhat between moments of the no-self state, followed by self attempting to reconstruct itself to some extent.. But with each taste of no-self, the self loses more and more of its ability to reconstruct itself, until it finally falls away altogether.”

“You are not a drop in the ocean, but the ocean in a drop.”
~ Rumi

I, awareness, have no name
but am called by all names;
I have no form
but am the substance of all forms.
~ Rupert Spira